Evaluating Leibniz’s manuscripts on dyadics in the wider context of his mathematics

12 mai 2023, 10:30
Salle 201

Salle 201


Mattia Brancato (ERC Philiumm, Université Paris Cité)


Leibniz’s manuscripts on the binary system represent a consistent part of his works on mathematics that is still unpublished or unknown to this day. In this talk, I will show how the PHILIUMM project approached the publication of these manuscripts and how in general the editing process and the decisions behind it are connected, sometimes in unexpected ways, with the actual interpretation of the content analyzed. With respect especially to its perceived relationship with other parts of Leibniz’s mathematics that are already well known and established, such as the works on the calculus, the writings on the binary system challenge some assumptions on the way Leibniz conceived its entire mathematics: only the universal approach shared by the whole project helped making sense of these inconsistencies, problematizing them and turning them in the starting point for a new interpretation.

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