Séminaire de Statistique et Optimisation

Nonparametric estimation of the Lévy density of discretely observed Lévy processes

par Ester Mariucci (Université de Versailles)

Amphi. Schwartz (1R3)

Amphi. Schwartz



We consider the problem of estimating the Lévy density of a pure jump Lévy process, possibly of infinite variation, from the high frequency observation of one trajectory. To directly construct an estimator of the Lévy density, we use a compound Poisson approximation and we build a linear wavelet estimator. Its performance is studied in terms of $L_p$ loss functions, $p\geq1$, over Besov balls. To show that the resulting rates are minimax-optimal for a large class of Lévy processes, we propose new non-asymptotic bounds of the cumulative distribution function of Lévy processes with Lévy density bounded from above by the density of an alpha-stable type Lévy process in a neighbourhood of the origin. It is a joint work with Céline Duval.