Séminaire Algèbre ICJ

Nikita GELDHAUSER (Munich): Algebraic Morava K-theory and algebraic groups

C112 (St-Etienne, Métare)


St-Etienne, Métare


Motives were introduced by Alexander Grothendieck in the1960s, and they have since become a fundamental tool for investigating the structure of algebraic varieties. More recently, Levine and Morel defined a universal oriented cohomology theory, called the algebraic cobordism. It allows one to consider algebraic analogues of well studied topological oriented cohomology theories such as Morava K-theories. In the talk I would like to present several recent developments related to computations of Morava motives and provide some applications to algebraic groups and twisted flag varieties. This talk is based on a joint work with Andrei Lavrenov, Victor Petrov, and Pavel Sechin.