Séminaire Tensor Journal Club

Asymptotic freedom in a strongly interacting tensor quantum field theory in four space-time dimensions

par Thimo Preis (Univeristät Heidelberg)




Asymptotic freedom is a hallmark of the strong interaction and in four space-time dimensions conventionally linked to local space-time symmetries of non-Abelian gauge fields. I will discuss asymptotic freedom in a tensor quantum field theory with global O(N)^3 symmetry and imaginary tetrahedral coupling. A perturbative analysis uncovers that the renormalization group flow of the quartic couplings connects a Gaussian ultraviolet fixed point to a strongly interacting theory in the infrared. The full quantum effective action is real and the path integral is bounded from below in the melonic large-N limit. The analytical tractability of the non-trivial melonic large-N limit raises the possibility of studying the renormalization group flow towards the strongly interacting infrared.

Organisé par

Sylvain Carrozza, Luca Lionni, Fabien Vignes-Tourneret