15–17 mars 2023
Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, campus de la Doua.
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Spontaneous oscillations and catastrophic events during fluid injection in water-saturated sands

17 mars 2023, 11:00
Salle 112 (Bâtiment Braconnier)

Salle 112

Bâtiment Braconnier


Valérie VIDAL (Laboratoire de Physique, ÉNS Lyon)


Although multiphase flows are ubiquitous in natural and industrial systems, the comprehension of the physical mechanisms at stake is still a challenge. In particular, the link between the processes at the microscale -- grain size, shape, asperities -- and the behavior at larger scale (particle suspension, transport, emergence of instabilities\ldots) remains unknown. Based on laboratory experiments, we investigate the dynamics of a confined granular layer submitted to a localized fluid injection. A suspension results from the competition between particle entrainment and sedimentation. In a given range of parameters and for different experimental configurations, the system exhibits puzzling self-induced oscillations and unexpected, violent particle resuspension. The importance of such phenomena will be discussed in regards to geophysical and environmental applications.

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