5–9 juin 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Darboux theorems for volume-valued symplectic forms

Non programmé
Amphis Laurent Schwartz (Toulouse)

Amphis Laurent Schwartz



Prof. Leonid Ryvkin (Université Lyon 1)


We will discuss a Darboux type theorem for a certain class of multisymplectic (n+2)-form in a (n+2m)-dimensional manifold, generalizing the work for 3-forms in 5-dimensional space. In addition to closedness of the form, the involutivity of a certain distribution is a necessary condiition for flatness. When the distribution is zero or everything we recover the classical Moser and Darboux theorems for volume resp. symplectic forms. This is joint work with Aliaksandr Hancharuk and Laura Leski.

Auteur principal

Prof. Leonid Ryvkin (Université Lyon 1)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.