23–27 nov. 2015
CIRM, Luminy
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Non-symplectic automorphisms of fourfolds of K3^[2]-type

23 nov. 2015, 17:00
CIRM, Luminy

CIRM, Luminy

163 avenue de Luminy, F-13288 Marseille


Mme Chiara Camere (Université de Milan)


In this talk I will first explain the classification of non-symplectic automorphisms of prime order of fourfolds of $K3^{[2]}$-type and review some examples. In the second part of the talk I will discuss complex ball quotients arising as moduli spaces of pairs of a fourfold of $K3^{[2]}$-type and a non-symplectic automorphism of prime order. This is joint work with S. Boissière and A. Sarti.

Documents de présentation