Séminaire Géométries ICJ

A Hölder-type inequality for the C0 distance and Anosov-Katok pseudo-rotations

par Dusan Joksimovic (IMJ-PRG)

112 (ICJ)



1er étage bâtiment Braconnier, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - La Doua

In this talk, we will show that sufficiently fast convergence in Hofer/spectral metric forces C0^^  convergence. We achieve this by proving a Hölder-type inequality for Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms relating the C0 norm, the C0 norm of the derivative, and the Hofer/spectral norm. As an application of our Hölder-type inequality, we prove C0^^ rigidity for a certain class of pseudo-rotations. 
In the first part of the talk, we will state the main results and prove the inequality. In the second part, we will introduce the class of Anosov-Katok pseudo-rotations, show how one can define their rotation number, and prove (using the inequality) that such pseudo-rotations with exponentially Liouville rotation numbers are C0 rigid. This talk is based on joint work with Sobhan Seyfaddini.