Séminaire de Géométrie Complexe

$\mathbb Z/2$-Godeaux surfaces

par Carlos Rito

salle 207 bâtiment 1R2 (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)

salle 207 bâtiment 1R2

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse


The existence of surfaces of general type with the lowest possible values of the invariants, namely holomorphic Euler characterisitc $\chi=1$ and self-intersection of a canonical divisor $K^2=1$, are known to exist since Godeaux's construction in 1931. It has been shown that their torsion group can only be $\mathbb Z/n$ with $n=1,\ldots,5$. Reid constructed the moduli space for the cases $n=5,4,3.$ In this talk I will explain how my search for an explicit construction of a fake projective plane led us to the classification of $\mathbb Z/2$-Godeaux surfaces (the case $n=2$), and more recently to work on fake quadrics.

This is joint work with Eduardo Dias.