Organisers : Frédéric Hélein (Paris), Grégory Ginot (Paris), Camille Laurent-Gengoux (Lorraine)
Here is the schedule :
This conference intends to bring together mathematicians that solve questions in differential geometry or theoretical physics using dg-manifolds (or related objects) as a tool. Dg-manifolds, also called Q-manifolds, or Lie infinity-algebroids, have been proved to be both powerful and efficient: we think that the time has come to recapitulate the miscellaneous applications of the concept that have appeard in the previous ten years.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Christian Blohmann (Bonn)
- Adrien Brochier (Paris)
- Ezra Getzler (Northwestern)
- Owen Gwilliam (Bonn)
- Madeleine Jotz (Würzburg)
- Oleksii Kotov (Hradec Kralove)
- Hsuen-Yi Liao (Tsing Hua, Taiwan)
- Ruben Louis (Lorraine)
- Pavel N Mnev (Notre-Dame)
- Joost-Jakob Nuiten (Montpellier)
- Jae-Suk Park (Postech)
- Jérémie Pierard de Maujouy (Louvain)
- Francesca Pratali (Villetaneuse)
- Jon Pridham (Edimbourg)
- Kasia Rejzner (York)
- Leonid Ryvkin (U. Lyon)
- Sarah Scherotzke (Luxembourg)
- Michele Schiavina (Pavia)
- Pavol Severa (U. Genève)
- Thomas Strobl (U. Lyon)
- Tilmann Wurzbacher (Lorraine)
- Marco Zambon (Leuven)
- Chenchang Zhu (Göttingen)
There are two "satellite" events in Paris:
- June 26-27rd. Singular foliations and dg-manifolds : workshop.
- June 30 Geometry and Analysis at the foundations of QFT
Registration for this event is currently open.