Jul 3 – 7, 2023
Institut Henri Poincaré
Europe/Paris timezone

Organisers : Frédéric Hélein (Paris), Grégory Ginot (Paris), Camille Laurent-Gengoux (Lorraine)

Here is the schedule :



This conference intends to bring together mathematicians that solve questions in differential geometry or theoretical physics using dg-manifolds (or related objects) as a tool. Dg-manifolds, also called Q-manifolds, or Lie infinity-algebroids, have been proved to be both powerful and efficient: we think that the time has come to recapitulate the miscellaneous applications of the concept that have appeard in the previous ten years.  


Confirmed speakers include:

  • Christian Blohmann (Bonn)
  • Adrien Brochier (Paris)
  • Ezra Getzler (Northwestern)
  • Owen Gwilliam (Bonn)
  • Madeleine Jotz (Würzburg)
  • Oleksii Kotov (Hradec Kralove)
  • Hsuen-Yi Liao (Tsing Hua, Taiwan)
  • Ruben Louis (Lorraine)
  • Pavel N Mnev (Notre-Dame)
  • Joost-Jakob Nuiten (Montpellier)
  • Jae-Suk Park (Postech)
  • Jérémie Pierard de Maujouy (Louvain)
  • Francesca Pratali (Villetaneuse)
  • Jon Pridham (Edimbourg)
  • Kasia Rejzner (York)
  • Leonid Ryvkin (U. Lyon)
  • Sarah Scherotzke (Luxembourg)
  • Michele Schiavina (Pavia)
  • Pavol Severa (U. Genève)
  • Thomas Strobl (U. Lyon)
  • Tilmann Wurzbacher (Lorraine)
  • Marco Zambon (Leuven)
  • Chenchang Zhu (Göttingen)


There are two "satellite" events in Paris:


  • June 26-27rd. Singular foliations and dg-manifolds : workshop.
  • June 30 Geometry and Analysis at the foundations of QFT 
Institut Henri Poincaré
Amphithéâtre Hermite
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris
Go to map

This conference intends to bring together mathematicians that solve problems in differential geometry or theoretical physics using dg-manifolds (or related objects) as a tool.

Dg-manifolds, also called Q-manifolds, or Lie infinity-algebroids, have been proved to be both powerful and efficient: we think that the time has come to recapitulate the miscellaneous applications of the concept that have appeard in the previous ten years.  

Registration for this event is currently open.