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In this talk I will advocate the need to explore the properties of Fermi statistics. Although most investigations have been done with electrons in quantum conductors, the effects presented here are relevant for any fermionic systems. In phase coherent conductors electrons behave as effective non interacting Fermions (Landau quasiparticles). Reducing the lateral size of ultra-clean conductors to achieve perfect control of the electron transmission has enable experiments revealing fundamental and sometime unexpected properties of the Fermi sea: conductance quantization, noiseless current, electron anti-bunching, continuous single electron injection from a voltage biased a contact, spontaneous creation of spin entangled electron-hole pairs in tunnel barrier, to cite a few. Further Fermi statistics entanglement properties can be investigated in a linear electron optics scheme, mimicking quantum optics with electrons replacing photons. This requires realizing single electron sources, a challenging issue as contrary to photons, which propagate in vacuum, single electrons must be launched on top of a Fermi sea prone to generate extra excitations. However a magic combination of Fermi statistics and wave properties allow time-resolved single electron to be created in the form of minimal excitation states called Leviton. Single electron sources, either time or energy resolved, have been recently used in single electron partitioning experiments and to measure two-(or more) electron Hong Ou Mandel correlations. If time permits some possible extensions to anyonic quasi-particles like the Laughlin quasi-particles of the Quantum Hall Effect will be discussed.