Random matrix integrals have a natural connection with the Schur measure on random partitions. In this talk I briefly highlight recent work in this direction, in particular focusing on a generalization of the Gross-Witten-Wadia model to classical gauge groups.
Baxter solved the XYZ spin chain in the sense of computing the free energy in the infinite lattice limit. For special parameter values, the chain has an underlying supersymmetry. It is then possible to obtain exact results even for finite size systems. In the special case of the XXZ chain, this is related to very interesting combinatorics (e.g. the alternating-sign-matrix and Razumov-Stroganov...
A toric localization formula for numerical Donaldson-Thomas invariants, giving the virtual Euler number of moduli spaces which are critical lcus, is known since Graber and Pandharipande. We provide here a refining of this formula for cohomological Donaldson-Thomas invariants, which can be seen as a 'virtual version of Bialinicky Birula decomposition', giving the virtual cohomology of the...
Using the identification of certain topological string amplitudes with R-matrices of Ding-Iohara-Miki algebras we find that qq-charaters can be constructed in a very simple way from degeneration of certain open refined topologcial string amplitudes. We illustrate the construction with several examples.