The workshop brings together experts working in diverse yet related corners of modern theoretical physics and mathematics inspired by Supersymmetric Gauge/String Theory, so as to promote new interdisciplinary collaborations and trigger new advances in seemingly distant areas. Most of the progress the field has witnessed in recent years was due to the development of exact investigation techniques, rooted in equivariant localization and matrix models. About 20 years ago, these methods led to the discovery of the BPS/CFT correspondence, a broad arena tightening together BPS observables, 2d CFT, operator algebras, quantum integrability and much more. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the latest developments along this vast research line and its ramifications, including the analysis of future perspectives and where it is heading to.
Dualities in SUSY gauge theory and string theory
Low dimensional CFT, TQFT and quantum modularity
Geometric Langlands duality, KZ equations and connection problems
Higher-dimensional gauge theories and enumerative geometry
Stringy quantum algebras
Quantum integrable many-body systems and spin chains
SUSY localization, supermatrix models and refined topological strings
Invited speakers
H. Aldarak |
Dijon |
N. Babinet |
Dijon |
J.E. Bourgine |
Melbourne |
I. Coman |
Amsterdam |
M. Dedushenko |
P. Descombes |
Sorbonne |
M. Hallnas |
Chalmers |
N. Haouzi |
S. Hohenegger |
Lyon |
C. Iossa |
O. Khlaif |
Birmingham |
M. Kool |
Utrecht |
P. Koroteev |
Berkeley |
B. Le Floch |
CNRS/Sorbonne |
C. Paletta |
Trinity |
B. Pioline |
CNRS/Sorbonne |
S. Purkayastha |
Dijon |
P. Putrov |
H. Rosengren |
Chalmers |
M. Zabzine |
Uppsala |
Y. Zenkevich |