Lyonline Modeling, Analysis and Computing Seminar

Instability and nonuniqueness for the 2d Euler equations in vorticity form, after M. Vishik

par Camillo De Lellis (IAS, Princeton)




Consider the 2d incompressible Euler equations. A celebrated sixties theorem of Yudovich guarantees that, if the initial data has bounded vorticity, there is a global unique solution to the Cauchy problem which has bounded vorticity at every subsequent time. If the initial vorticity is in Lp for p<, the existence of global in time solutions with uniform Lp bounds on the vorticity follows from a simple regularization scheme, however their uniqueness is a long-standing open problem. Yudovich's uniqueness result extends naturally if we add, to the vorticity equation, a forcing term f which belongs to $L^1_t L^\infty_x.Intwogroundbreakingworksof2018Vishikshowedthatthelattergeneralizationfailsforp<\infty$. His proof consists of two very subtle parts: the analysis of an appropriate spectral problem and a corresponding nonlinear instability proof. I will present the ideas of Vishik's proof and an alternative way of closing the nonlinear part, which we found during a reading seminar at IAS with Dallas Albritton, Elia Brué, Maria Colombo, Vikram Giri, Maximilian Janisch, and Hyunju Kwon. If time allows I will also mention a beautiful development by Dallas Albritton, Elia Brué, and Maria Colombo, who proved a result with a similar flavor for the 3-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.