Séminaire de Physique Théorique

The Bi-conical Vector Model at 1/N

by Prof. Ritam Sinha (Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem)

Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane (IHES)

Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane


Le Bois-Marie 35, route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette

We study finite N aspects of the O(m) × O(N-m) vector model with quartic interactions in general 2 ≤ d ≤ 6 spacetime dimensions. This model has recently been shown to display the phenomenon of persistent symmetry breaking at a perturbative Wilson-Fisher-like fixed point in d=4-ε dimensions. The large rank limit of the bi-conical model displays a conformal manifold and a moduli space of vacua. We find a set of three double trace scalar operators that are respectively irrelevant, relevant and marginal deformations of the conformal manifold in general d. We calculate the anomalous dimensions of the single and multi-trace scalar operators to the first sub-leading order in the large rank expansion. The anomalous dimension of the marginal operator does not vanish in general, indicating that the conformal manifold is lifted at finite N. In the case of equal ranks we are able to derive explicitly the scaling dimensions of various operators as functions of only d.


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on in indoor spaces
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable
without it;
- Up to 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to be able to provide a health pass
- Over 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to provide a health pass which will
be checked at the entrance of the conference room.


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Organized by

Slava Rychkov
