October 4, 2021
At IHES and online
Europe/Paris timezone

© IHES/ F Dufour

To join the panel discussion: https://us02web.zoom.us/w/88908196637?tk=DSBYm0F1tC4ULtFsxZT7OC-Mkj2TcMPV_e39VNgj1go.DQMAAAAUs1drHRYwZGRreVpzVFFadUpXYnRVMkI5RkJBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=YnF2Um9TaFNZTmpTdlRWSkNYczAvQT09

Women are still much underrepresented in mathematics and theoretical physics, particularly at IHES, where only 10% of its visitors are female. IHES, in line with Université Paris-Saclay, firmly intends to reduce that gap and attract more women researchers.

To identify the best way to do so, the Institute wishes to take advantage of the experience, hindsight and know-how of several organizations that have been created over the years to raise awareness and promote equal opportunities for women in mathematics. For decades now, female mathematicians across the world have been joining forces to encourage more women to choose STEM and to ensure that they get fair and equal treatment when they do so.

IHES is thus organizing a panel discussion featuring a former visiting professor at IHES as well as representatives from the Association for Women in Mathematics, that is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and the European Women in Mathematics, all of whom are strong diversity and inclusion advocates.

Panelists will be:

  • Eva Bayer-Fluckiger, Professor Emeritus at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
  • Kathryn Leonard, president of the Association of Women in Mathematics
  • Andrea Walther, convenor of the European Women in Mathematics.

By sharing their experiences and their expertise, they will help identify relevant initiatives to attract women to research in the mathematical sciences, and more particularly at IHES. The funds raised later on at the next Friends of IHES gala, dedicated to “Women in Fundamental Research”, will then help implement some of those initiatives at the Institute.

At IHES and online
Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons
Registration for this event is currently open.