A Semi-Lagrangian Scheme with Radial Basis Approximation for Surface Reconstruction
Elisabetta Carlini(Université de Rome (Italie))
XLIM Salle X.203
XLIM Salle X.203
FST-Université de Limoges,
123, Av. Albert Thomas.
We propose a Semi-Lagrangian scheme accomplished with Radial Basis Function Interpolation for approximating a curvature-related level set model, which has been proposed by Zhao et al. (2000) to reconstruct unknown surfaces from sparse data sets.
The main advantage of our scheme is the possibility to solve the level set method on unstructured grids, with a consequent reduction of grid's dimension.
Numerical tests show the behavior of our approach to reconstruct an algebraic curve and an algebraic surface.
Joint work with R. Ferretti.