Mar 23 – 25, 2015
XLIM, University of Limoges, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques
Europe/Paris timezone


Registration Form

Opened Nov 24, 2014
Closed Mar 1, 2015

Registration fees are 150 euros/person. They include lunches, coffee breaks and the banquet on March 24. There are only three methods of payment: 1- Cheque: Please pay the cheque to the order of M. L’Agent Comptable de l’Université de Limoges and send it to the following address: Debora Thomas Laboratoire XLIM – DMI Colloque FELIM 2015 Faculté des Sciences et Techniques 123 avenue Albert Thomas 87060 LIMOGES Cedex 2- Order form (“bon de commande”): Please word the order form to Laboratoire XLIM - DMI Colloque FELIM 2015 Faculté des Sciences et Techniques 123 avenue Albert Thomas 87060 LIMOGES Cedex N° SIRET : 198 706 699 00321 APE : 8542 Z TVA Intra : FR 13 198706 699 and send it by fax to + 33 (0)5 55 45 73 22 or by post office to the address: Debora Thomas Laboratoire XLIM - DMI Colloque FELIM 2015 Faculté des Sciences et Techniques 123 avenue Albert Thomas 87060 LIMOGES Cedex (In order to facilate billing, please make sure that you precise your SIRET number, your APE code and your VAT number) 3- Cash (upon arrival)

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.