Séminaire des Doctorants et Doctorantes

Arithmetic in the "Upside Down"

par Quentin Gazda

BigBlueButton Platform (Webinar)

BigBlueButton Platform



Artin and Whaples showed it in 1945. There are two (and only two) possible « worlds » in which one can do arithmetic. One is much more present in our daily life: it is the usual number theory over number fields (finite field extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$). But on the other side of the mirror, there is the arithmetic over function fields in positive characteristic. Most of the known theorems and conjectures in number theory have a counter part in function fields arithmetic, and the former statements are in general easier to prove in the function fields case. It is believed that « a theory of everything », mixing and understanding both worlds at once, would have outstanding consequences in arithmetic. My talk will be devoted to the introduction of function fields arithmetic.