The aim of this workshop is to bring together mathematicians and computer scientists around some talks on recent results from statistics, machine learning and more generally data science research. Various topics in machine learning, optimization, deep learning, optimal transport, inverse problems, statistics and problems of scientific reproducibility will be presented.
Registration is free and open to February 2, 2021.
Organised by: Thanh Mai PHAM NGOC (LMO) and Charles SOUSSEN (L2S)
Note: The conference will be held entirely on video-conference.
Invited speakers:
Guillaume Charpiat (LRI)
Lenaïc Chizat (LMO)
Emilie Chouzenoux (CVN)
Agnès Desolneux (Centre Borelli)
Gaël Richard (Télécom Paris)
Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA Parietal)