Séminaire MACS (Modélisation, Analyse et Calcul Scientifique).

Hypocoercivity in run and tumble chemotaxis equations

par Josephine Evans (Warwick)

This talk is based on a joint work with Havva Yoldas. 

We discuss the run and tumble equation for bacterial chemotaxis 
and our upcoming work showing convergence to equilibrium for this 
equation via Harris's theorem. 
I will spend some time discussing how the problem of long time 
behaviour for the linear run and tumble equation is both similar 
to, and very different from other kinetic equations. 
In particular, we can contrast the run and tumble equation to 
linear BGK equation. We also discuss the challenges inherent in 
the unusual mechanism for confinement in this model namely the 
fact that the bacteria jump faster when travelling away from 
high concentrations of chemoattractant than when travelling 
towards them.