Nov 5 – 6, 2015
Université Paris Descartes
Europe/Paris timezone
List of accepted contributions for the poster session available!
The 2-day workshop « Low Velocity Flows – Application to Low Mach and Low Froude regimes » is dedicated to the modelling of fluid flows in specific regimes for which theoretical and numerical issues may arise.
It is aimed at gathering young and expert international researchers in order to make a state of the art of the low Mach/Froude problems and to present new developments upon this topic.

This workshop is organized by the GdT CDMATH.

Université Paris Descartes
Amphi Lavoisier A, 3rd floor
45 rue des Saints Pères 75006 PARIS
Organising committee:
  • Stéphane DELLACHERIE (CEA Paris-Saclay et École Polytechnique de Montréal)
  • Gloria FACCANONI (Imath, Université de Toulon)
  • Bérénice GREC (MAP5, Université Paris Descartes)
  • Frédéric LAGOUTIERE (Université Paris-Sud)
  • Yohan PENEL (CEREMA, Inria, UPMC, CNRS)
Contact: lowmach2015 (at) gmail (dot) com