Paul Goerss
29/06/2015 11:00
Invited research talk
Some time ago, Goerss, Henn, Mahowald, and Rezk produced a topological resolution of the K(2)-local sphere at the prime 3. Along with the emergence of topological modular forms, this was one of the events that helped organize our thinking about the entire K(2)-local category. The occasion of this conference seems a good time to revisit these constructions and some of the theorems that...
Vesna Stojanoska
(MPI Bonn)
29/06/2015 12:00
Invited research talk
For a finite subgroup G of the Morava stabilizer group of height n at a prime p, there is an associated ring spectrum EO = (E_n)^{hG} of homotopy fixed points of Morava E-theory E_n under its G-action. The spectra EO carry some tractable information about the K(n)-local sphere. We study their Picard groups, and show that, when n=p-1, Pic(EO) is always cyclic. This is joint work with Drew Heard...
Gerd Laures
29/06/2015 15:00
Invited research talk
We develop a theory of characteristic classes for the cohomology of topological modular forms with \Gamma_0(3)-level structures. These classes are supposed to play an important role in the determination of the string bordism ring. It turns out that the TMF_0(3)-cohomology of BString is freely generated by Pontryagin classes and one extra class which relates to the theory of cubical structures...
Charles Rezk
29/06/2015 16:30
Invited research talk
There is a robust theory of power operations for Morava E-theory. At
height 2, this theory is sufficiently robust to allow complete
calculations. We provide some examples.
Peter Symonds
30/06/2015 09:00
Invited research talk
We consider a finite group G acting on a polynomial ring k[V] and try to understand the multiplicity of a given indecomposable kG-summand in terms of commutative algebra. We then try and do the same for cohomology of a group, considering it as a Mackey functor on the subgroups of G.
Christine Vespa
30/06/2015 11:00
Invited research talk
Functor homology (i.e. homological algebra in functor categories) on a suitable category allow us to compute some stable homology of linear groups, orthogonal groups or symplectic groups with twisted coefficients.
Little is known concerning stable homology of automorphism groups of free groups with twisted coefficients. We have cancellation results, several computations in small degree by...
Niko Naumann
30/06/2015 15:00
Invited research talk
We will report on joint work (partially in progress) with Akhil Mathew and Justin Noel about descent in an equivariant context. This allows to revisit and extend various classical results of Quillen, Hopkins/Kuhn/Ravenel, and Thomason and leads to a number of interesting questions and conjectures.
John Greenlees
01/07/2015 09:00
Invited research talk
It is elementary that ku (with coefficients Z[v]) is Gorenstein of shift -3.
It follows that KU (with coefficients Z[v, 1/v]) is Anderson self-dual (with shift one more) and by descent that ko is Gorenstein of shift -5 and KO is Anderson self-dual (of shift one more).
There are a number of similar examples arising from topological modular (tmf(2), tmf(3)) and automorphic forms. The talk...
Mark Behrens
(Notre Dame)
01/07/2015 11:00
Invited research talk
This talk represents joint work with Kyle Ormsby, Nat Stapleton, and Vesna Stojanoska.
I will describe 3 different perspective on tmf_*tmf (localized at 2).
(1) the E_2-term of the Adams spectral sequence for tmf_*tmf decomposes as a direct sum of ext groups associated to bo-Brown-Gilter modules,
(2) modulo torsion, tmf_*tmf embeds into the ring of 2-variable modular forms, and
Lionel Schwartz
(Paris 13)
01/07/2015 12:00
Invited research talk
S. Takaysu introduced certain cofiber sequences which generalize the identification of a stunted infinite projective space with a certain Thom space. These sequences occur within the context of the Arone-Goodwillie tower for
example. We will describe a new construction of these sequences. The construction uses certain properties of Lannes' T functor which will be discussed.
(joint work...