1 mars 2021 à 9 avril 2021
Institut Henri Poincaré
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Predictions for LISA and PTA based on SHARK galaxy simulations

Non programmé
Amphitheater Darboux (Institut Henri Poincaré)

Amphitheater Darboux

Institut Henri Poincaré

11, Rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris


Massive black holes, with masses ranging from tens of thousands to billions of solar masses are undeniably intertwined with their galactic hosts. There are a number of empirical relations linking central black holes with their galactic environment on both large and small scales, including bulge luminosities, stellar velocity dispersion or halo mass just to mention a few. Unfortunately, we are still unable to explain such relations in a detailed and consistent way and thus the origin, properties and evolution of massive black holes and galaxies themselves remain as open questions.
On my poster I will present our analysis of a set of populations of massive black hole binaries generated in the recent semi-analytic model of galaxy evolution (SHARK) in terms of their detectability in the LISA and PTA band. The key advantage of SHARK is that it provides a way to explore a number of distinct models of black hole and galaxy evolution processes within a consistent framework and it was also successfully tested against EM observational data. Together with the number and character of complementary LISA and PTA detections it might help putting more rigorous constraints on our understanding of the birth and co-evolution of galaxies and massive black holes.

Auteurs principaux

Mlle Małgorzata Curyło (University of Warsaw, Astronomical Observatory) Prof. Tomasz Bulik (University of Warsaw, Astronomical Observatory)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.