Nov 2 – 6, 2020
Institut Henri Poincaré
Europe/Paris timezone

In the context of the IHP Trimester "Systems out of equilibrium", the conference "Frontiers in out of equilibrium dynamics of many-body systems" will take place at the Institut Poincare, Amphi Hermite, from the 2nd to the 6th of November 2020CANCELED.

We plan to have lectures only during the morning in the Amphi Hermite to ensure social distancing between participants.

Back to the thematic trimester main page.

See the programmeCANCELED.

-- C. Aron, "Towards non-analytic non-equilibrium field theory".
-- O. Castro-Alvaredo, "Unstable Quasi-Particles in Integrable Quantum Field Theory: a Generalized Hydrodynamics Viewpoint".
-- R. Chetrite, "From fluctuating kinetics to fluctuating hydrodynamics : a large deviation functional approach". 
-- B. Doyon, "tba".
-- J. Dubail, "tba".
-- M. Fagotti, "tba".
-- T. Jin, "Quantum ergodicity hypothesis and fluctuations around equilibrium".
-- J. Kuchan, "Quantum Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and Pesin relation".
-- S. Majumdar, "Universal survival probability for a d-dimensional run-and-tumble particle".
-- Y. Miao, "Semi-classical quantisation of magnetic solitons in the anisotropic Heisenberg model".
-- S. Pappalardi, "Entanglement dynamics and chaos in systems with collective and long-range interactions".
-- M. Picco, "Dynamics for first order transitions and metastability".
-- V. Ros, "On the role of fluctuations in the many-body localized phase".
-- A. Rosso, "Bath-induced Zeno localization in driven many-body quantum systems".
-- H. Saleur, "tba".
-- G. Schehr, "Non-equilibrium dynamics of noninteracting trapped fermions".
-- M. Schiro, "tba".
-- G. Sierra, "Tensor Network Renormalization and Integrability of the Free Boson Field Theory".
-- M. Tarzia, "tba".
-- P. Vignolo, "The importance of how quantum particles approach each other: the Tan's contact in one-dimensional trapped bosonic and fermionic gases".

Organizers :
Denis Bernard, CNRS & ENS Paris (France)
Leticia F. Cugliandolo, Sorbonne Université (France) 
Giuseppe Mussardo, SISSA (Italy)

Institut Henri Poincaré
Amphithéâtre Hermite
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris
Registration for this event is currently open.