There are many intriguing physical phenomena which are associated with topological features --- global properties that are not discernible locally. The best-known examples are quantum Hall effects in electronic systems, where insensitivity to local properties manifests itself as conductance through edge states which are insensitive to defects and disorder. In the talk, we first discuss how...
Superconducting circuits have emerged as a competitive platform for quantum computation, satisfying the challenges of controllability, long coherence and strong interactions. Here we apply this toolbox to the exploration of strongly correlated quantum materials made of microwave photons. We build a Chern insulator lattice for microwave photons, and observe topologically protected edge states...
First, I propose that topological edge states can be used to induce robust slow-light waveguides. Next, I will experimentally demonstrate the realization of Weyl exceptional rings in photonic lattices.