Jun 18 – 20, 2019
Institut Denis Poisson Orléans
Europe/Paris timezone

The idea of this informal and interdisciplinary 3-day meeting is to bring together physicists and mathematicians from different backgrounds (PDE, especially kinetic equations, and probability) on the topics of hydrodynamic & kinetic limits and their fluctuations, macroscopic fluctuation theory, and large deviations. One of the main physical application field we have in mind is active matter, where the precise understanding of hydrodynamic limits and finite N fluctuations seems to be an important challenge.

Inscription is free, please send an email to one of the organizers: Julien Barré, Cédric Bernardin or Raphaël Chétrite.

There will be a poster session, send an email to one of the organizers to apply.

Conference web site here.

Institut Denis Poisson Orléans
Salle de séminaire