Sep 2 – 6, 2019
Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne
Europe/Paris timezone

The direct problem of perturbed KPII multi-line solitons

Sep 4, 2019, 12:00 PM



Derchyi Wu (Academica Sinica, Taipei)


Boiti-Pempinelli-Pogrebkov's inverse scattering theories on the KPII equation provide an integrable approach to solve the Cauchy problem of the perturbed KPII multi-line soliton solutions and the stability problem of KPII multi-line solitons.

In this talk, we will present rigorous analysis for the direct scattering theory of perturbed KPII multi line solitons, illustrated by perturbations of low dimensional Grassmannian cases.

Primary author

Derchyi Wu (Academica Sinica, Taipei)

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