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Denis Benois (Université de Bordeaux) | Adel Betina (University of Sheffield, UK) |
Stéphane Bijakowski (École Polytechnique) | Shaunak Deo (TIFR, India) |
Fred Diamond (King's College London, UK) | Gabriel Dospinescu (CNRS, ENS Lyon) |
Joaquin Rodrigues Jacinto (Aix-Marseille Université) | Emmanuel Lecouturier (YMSC, Tsinghua University, China) |
James Newton (King's College London, UK) | Alice Pozzi (University College London, UK) |
Zicheng Qian (Université Paris-Sud) | Benjamin Schraen (Université Paris-Sud) |
Sheng-Chi Shih (Université de Lille) |
Ramla Abdellatif (Amiens) | Mladen Dimitrov (Lille) | Julien Hauseux (Lille) |
How to come? Click here for directions to the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé.
Accommodation: Use the registration form to request a room at the residence Reeflex.
A list of hotels is available here.