Séminaire Algèbre ICJ

Relaxed highest-weight modules (ATTN: Jours inhabituel!)

par Kazuya Kawasetsu (University of Melbourne)

112 (bât. Braconnier)


bât. Braconnier

ICJ, UCBL - La Doua
Relaxed highest-weight modules play a central role in the study of many important vertex operator (super)algebras and their associated (logarithmic) conformal field theories, including the admissible-level affine models. Indeed, their structure and their (super)characters together form the crucial input data for the standard module formalism that describes the modular transformations and Grothendieck fusion rules of such theories. In this talk, we prove a character formula and some statements for relaxed highest-weight modules over affine sl(2) models conjectured by T. Creutzig and D. Ridout using coherent families of O. Mathieu. If time allows, we also consider the case of affine osp(1|2) models. This osp(1|2) results are believed to be new. This is a joint work with David Ridout, arXiv:1803.01989 [math.RT].