Fabien Wahl
(LJLL (Sorbonne Université))
18/06/2018 16:30
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We are interested in the modeling and the numerical approximation of constrained flows. Previously, a shallow water type model with a congestion constraint and its numerical resolution was proposed [1].
In order to simulate floating structures such as marine energy devices, the fluid-structure interaction of an object freely floating at the water surface is considered.
The coupling with...
Marc Peruzzetto
18/06/2018 17:00
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La propagation des mouvements gravitaires est communément modélisée par des équations de type Saint-Venant, où l’écoulement est supposé homogène et de faible épaisseur. Des rhéologies différentes tentent de rendre compte de la variabilité des processus physiques qui contrôlent la dynamique des écoulements. En particulier, le degré de saturation en eau impacte fortement le comportement...
Léa Boittin
(Inria ; CEREMA ; Sorbonne Université, LJLL ; CNRS UMR 7598)
18/06/2018 17:30
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We are interested in the numerical approximation of hydrostatic free surface flows with variable density. Such variable density flows occur when fresh water and sea water mix, in estuaries for instance; or when cold water mixes with warm water. We begin by writing the Navier-Stokes model with variable density, where the local density is a function of a tracer. A multilayer discretization of...