Workshops HPC

Quantum Days : The IBM Quantum Experience

Maison de la Simulation

Maison de la Simulation

DigitéoLabs, Bât 565, CEA/Saclay

Quantum technology has the potential to revolutionise whole fields of computing; from cryptography to molecular modelling. But how do quantum computers work? The IBM Quantum Experience (QX), is capable of performing state-of-the art quantum calculations on real quantum. This workshop gives the opportunity for researchers and students to familiarize themselves with quantum computing and quantum algorithms, to explore new programming languages (Open QASM), and devise new interaction protocols for quantum simulations (using the QiSkit API for python), opening new opportunities in the field.

In the recent years we observe a rapid development of quantum technologies for the realization of quantum computers with the capability of simulating quantum mechanical processes using quantum (instead of classical) algorithms. In parallel to the physical realization of increasingly large and powerful quantum computers there is the need to develop quantum algorithms for the efficient solution of complex problems (NP hard) with favourable scaling. This includes problems in optimization, machine learning, the solutions of partial differential equations and finite element analysis just to mention a few.

In May 2016, IBM launched a cloud system for quantum computing that offers the possibility to perform digital quantum calculations on a 5 qubit quantum computer which was upgraded to 16 qubits in July 2017. This platform, named IBM Quantum Experience (QX), is capable of performing state-of-the art quantum calculations on real quantum hardware together with classical simulations on a quantum circuits emulator. This project gives the opportunity for researchers and students to familiarize themselves with quantum computing and quantum algorithms opening new opportunities in the field. In particular, with the IBM QX we aim at creating a community of users and developers that interact to create new solutions (computing paradigms and algorithms), explore new programming languages (Open QASM), and devise new interaction protocols for quantum simulations (using the Quantum Information Software Kit (QISKit) for programming a real quantum computer via python).

The aim of this workshop is to present the basic notions of QX and discuss some applications in the fields of quantum optimization and electronic structure calculations.


Agenda :

Morning Session

9:15 –   9:30 : Registration

9.30 – 10.30 :  Introduction to quantum computing

10.30 – 11.15 : Introduction to IBM quantum experience

11:15 – 12.15 : Hands on IBM quantum experience (IBM QX)

12:15 – 13:30 : Lunch

Afternoon Session

13.30 – 14:15 : Introduction to Quantum Information Software Kit (QISKit)

14:15 – 14.45 : Real-time  Demonstration of QISKit tutorials

14:45 – 16:30 : Interactive Session and Hands on QISKit




Instructions : On how to have a PC ready for QISKit

Instructions can be found in

All computers need to have Python 3.5+ version (anaconda version preferablly) and all users need to have access to IBM quantum experience. This can be done free of charge in

Every participant would ideally be able to run the first simple examples found in the Github documentation beforehand to ensure the PC environment is working properly. This is crucial for people in order to have the maximum gain of the tutorial. 

  • Ari Paavo Seitsonen
  • Carlo Pierleoni
  • Carlos Eduardo Vieira de Moura
  • Christian GAMRAT
  • Christophe Calvin
  • Daniel BORGIS
  • Dominik Domin
  • Emeric Brun
  • Francois Courteille
  • Jean-Pierre Rascalou
  • Marc Tajchman
  • marco mancini
  • Marie Dominique LACROIX DORE
  • Mathieu Lobet
  • Matthieu Haefele
  • Nathalie Girard
  • Ouissem BEN NASR
  • Pascal Tremblin
  • Sylvain Chateau
  • Thibaut Véry
  • tina odaka
  • Ulysse REGLADE
  • Vitaly Gorelov
  • Xinzhe WU