p-adic height pairings and integral points on hyperelliptic curves
Prof.Amnon BESSER(Ben Gurion University & IHÉS)
Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane (I.H.E.S.)
Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane
Le Bois Marie
35, route de Chatres
91440 Bures-sur-Yvette
I will discuss a method, based on p-adic height pairings, for determining the integral solutions of certain hyperelliptic equations.
The method produces, for a hyperelliptic curve over the rational numbers whose rank equals its genus, an explicit function on the p-adic points on the curve that takes finitely many explicitly determined values on the integral points. The proof goes via p-adic Arakelov theory.
Time permitting I will explain how one can use the generated function to effectively find the integral points and suggest some potential applications.