December 17, 2017
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Queensland timezone
Stabilization of Infinite Dimensional Systems

From finite to infinite dimensional systems: approximation and interconnection issues

Dec 17, 2017, 2:30 PM
3, level 1 (Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre)

3, level 1

Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre

Goald Coast Convention and Exibition Center GCCEC


Mrs Ying TAN (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Melbourne School of Engineering)


In practical problems the control laws of infinite dimensional systems are computed using projections on finite dimensional systems. Moreover, some applications are naturally described by couplings of infinite dimensional systems with finite dimensional ones. This presentation to describe the interconnections of these systems and the properties of the control laws computed on projected systems when inserted in the original infinite dimensional ones.

Primary author

Mrs Ying TAN (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Melbourne School of Engineering)

Presentation materials

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