December 17, 2017
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Queensland timezone
Stabilization of Infinite Dimensional Systems

Stability and stabilizability concepts for linear infinite dimensional dynamical systems

Dec 17, 2017, 1:00 PM
3, level 1 (Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre)

3, level 1

Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre

Goald Coast Convention and Exibition Center GCCEC


Mr Marius Tucsnak (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux)


This lecture begins by describing in an introductory manner various concepts of stability of infinite dimensional systems with emphasis that, unlike in classical infinite dimensional linear systems, a variety of non equivalent stability types can be encountered in relatively simple PDEs systems. The second part of this presentation is devoted to some by now classical tools to establish stability properties, namely in the frequency domain. Finally, a particular attention will be devoted to examples described by hyperbolic PDEs, where stabilization is achieved using collocated actuators and sensors.

Primary author

Mr Marius Tucsnak (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux)

Presentation materials

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