December 17, 2017
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Queensland timezone
Stabilization of Infinite Dimensional Systems

Backstepping methods

Dec 17, 2017, 2:00 PM
3, level 1 (Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre)

3, level 1

Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre

Goald Coast Convention and Exibition Center GCCEC


Mr Miroslav KRSTIC (Department of Mechanical & Aero. Eng. University of California)


The use of linear Volterra operators in constructing backstepping transformations and feedback laws for stabilization of PDE systems by boundary control will be reviewed. Basic PDEs of both parabolic and hyperbolic types will be covered. With time permitting, an example of backstepping in observer design with boundary sensing will be covered.

Primary author

Mr Miroslav KRSTIC (Department of Mechanical & Aero. Eng. University of California)

Presentation materials

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