Structured Matrix Days 2018

Amphi A (ENS de Lyon)

Amphi A

ENS de Lyon

46 allée d'Italie 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France

Matrices that arise from a large range of problems in mathematics, physics, engineering etc. typically display a characteristic structure, such as sparsity patterns or a rank structure (e.g., quasi/semi-separable, Toeplitz-like etc.). Exploiting this structure is the key to the design of more efficient algorithms.

The study of structured matrices is an interdisciplinary field that places itself at a crossroads between symbolic computation (uni- and multivariate polynomial computation, matrix polynomials...), numerical linear algebra (solution of linear systems, classical and generalized eigenvalue problems, functions of matrices...), and more generally all applications that involve structured problems.

This event aims at providing an opportunity for researchers from several fields to present their results, exchange ideas, develop and strengthen collaborations.

Limited financial support is available to cover the travel expenses of a few participants. If your situation requires such a support, please write an email to the organizers to express your demand.

Invited speakers:

Dates (extended):

  • April 13: proposition of abstracts for contributed talks,
  • April 16: confirmation of acceptance,
  • April 20: registration deadline (to facilitate logistics).


Please write to if you have any question, or if you would like to propose a talk.


  • Ana Matos
  • Ashraf Owis
  • Bernard Mourrain
  • Bernhard Beckermann
  • Claude-Pierre Jeannerod
  • Clément Pernet
  • Daniel Roche
  • Florent Bréhard
  • Francoise Tisseur
  • Gilles Villard
  • Grace Younes
  • Jean-Claude Yakoubsohn
  • Jean-Yves L'Excellent
  • José Henrique de Morais Goulart
  • Marco Sutti
  • Nathalie Revol
  • Nick Trefethen
  • Nicolas Brisebarre
  • Paola Boito
  • Pedro Marinho
  • Romain Lebreton
  • Simone Naldi
  • Stefano Massei
  • Stephane Chretien
  • sylvie icart
  • Theo Mary
  • Vincent Neiger