23–25 oct. 2017
Université d'Angers
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Rationality is practically decidable for Nearly Euclidean Thurston maps.

25 oct. 2017, 10:30
L003. (Université d'Angers)


Université d'Angers

2 Boulevard Lavoisier 49000 Angers


Kevin Pilgrim (Indiana Universityl. Boomington.)


A Thurston map $f: (S^2, P) \to (S^2, P)$ is \emph{nearly Euclidean} if its postcritical set $P$ has four points and each branch point is simple. We show that the problem of determining whether $f$ is equivalent to a rational map is algorithmically decidable, and we give a practical implementation of this algorithm. Executable code and data from 50,000 examples is tabulated at \url{https://www.math.vt.edu/netmaps/index.php}. This is joint work with W. Floyd and W. Parry.

Auteur principal

Kevin Pilgrim (Indiana University. Bloomington.)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.