Séminaire Physique mathématique ICJ

Scattering theory for the Hodge Laplacian under a conformal pertubation

par Francesco Bei (ICJ)

Fokko du Cloux (Institut Camille Jordan)

Fokko du Cloux

Institut Camille Jordan

Université Lyon 1, Bât. Braconnier, 21 av. Claude Bernard, 69100 Villeurbanne
Let g and h be two conformally equivalent Riemannian metrics on a noncompact manifold M. We will show that under some mild first order control on the conformal factor, the wave operators associated to the Hodge-Laplacians \Delta_g and \Delta_h acting on differential forms exist and are complete. Then we will show some applications and we will provide some explict calculations of the absolutely continuous spectrum in the setting of Riemannian manifolds with bounded geometry.