Séminaire Physique mathématique ICJ

A bosonization of U_q(sl(M|N))

par Takeo Kojima (Yamagata University, Japan)

Fokko du Cloux (Institut Camille Jordan)

Fokko du Cloux

Institut Camille Jordan

Université Lyon 1, Bât. Braconnier, 21 av. Claude Bernard, 69100 Villeurbanne
Bosonization is a powerful method to study representation theory of infinite-dimensional algebras and its application to mathematical physics, such as calculation of correlation functions of exactly solvable models. For level k=1, bosonization has been constructed for the quantum affine algebra U_q(g) in many cases. Bosonization of an arbitrary level k in C is completely different from those of level k=1. For level k in C, bosonization has been constructed only for U_q(sl(N)) and U_q(sl(M|1)). In this talk we give a bosonization of the quantum affine superalgebra U_q(sl(M|N)) (M,N=1,2,3...) for an arbitrary level k. For the level k different from -M+N we give screening operators that commute with U_q(sl(M|N)) and propose a realization of the vertex operator. This talk is based on arXiv:1701.03645.