In this talk I will discuss my recent work on algebraic examples of parametric resurgence. We discuss a simple example to elucidate the so-called higher order Stokes phenomena and discuss how a Borel inner-outer matching procedure allows us to view parametric resurgence as a series of non-parametric resurgence problems.
This talk will be streamed from Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane. The zoom link is also available by subscribing to the mailing list: sympa@listes.math.cnrs.fr
Matteo D’Achille (LMO)
Aymane El Fardi (EIGSI)
Veronica Fantini (LMO)
Emmanuel Kammerer (CMAP)
Edoardo Lauria (LPENS & CAS)
Sophie Mutzel (LPENS & CAS)
Junchen Rong (CPhT)