
  • Aymane El Fardi
  • Matteo D'Achille
  • Veronica Fantini

Short description of the Seminar:

The Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics is organized to provide a place where postdocs and other non-permanent early-stage researchers will get a great chance to disseminate their research to the mathematics and theoretical physics communities from different universities all over the world. In addition, the seminar aims at consolidating the harmony between these two communities. We believe that bringing research studies from various areas in mathematics together with theoretical physicists (and vice versa) would create an opportunity to develop novel scientific ideas.

Guidelines for Prospective Speakers:

The scope of the seminar in broad revolves around both theoretical physics and mathematics (and the many bridges between them). The main ideas and motivations behind each presented topic should therefore be understandable by both the mathematicians and physicists in the audience. Furthermore, each presentation should fit into 45 minutes + 15 minutes of questions.

Useful Links: