GT Méthodes numériques pour les sciences et l'ingénierie

Uniqueness in the identification of the rigidity of Euler Bernoulli beams considering observations in an arbitrary small interval of time

par Prof. Alexandre Kawano (Université de São Paulo)

salle de séminaire du département de mathématiques et d’informatique (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, bât. E6, 2e étage)

salle de séminaire du département de mathématiques et d’informatique

Ecole Centrale de Lyon, bât. E6, 2e étage

36 avenue Guy de Collongue, Ecully

It is impossible to stress the relevance of this omnipresent structural element
that is the beam. Aiming at applications regarding the safety of structures, it
is important to measure the properties of a beam like rigidity, to detect the
presence of defects and to identify the loading acting over a span of a beam.
Here we present a result that permits the unique determination of the rigidity
of a vibrating beam by measuring the displacement of it at one of its extremes
during an arbitrary small interval of time.
This work is partially supported by Fapesp Proc. 2015/17560-4.