Illustration as a Mathematical Research Technique
Workshop 2: Bridging visualization and understanding in Geometry and Topology
February 16 to 20, 2026 - IHP, Paris
Geometry and topology are two areas of mathematics that are naturally fueled by illustrations. However, as W. Thurston once noted, "mathematicians usually have fewer and poorer figures in their papers and books than in their heads". The aim of this conference is to explore visualization techniques in geometry and topology. What are the challenges of producing rigorous and enlightening illustrations? How can they guide research and sharpen our understanding in this field? etc. In addition to research talks, the conference will provide opportunities for participants to engage in new research collaborations using illustration.
List of speakers:
Organising Committee:
- Aarons Abrams (Washington and Lee University)
- Vincent Borrelli (Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1)
- Rémi Coulon (CNRS / Université de Dijon)
- Francis Lazarus (CNRS / Université Grenoble Alpes)