21 octobre 2024
CMAP, École Polytechnique
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Higher rank valuations and Newton-Okounkov bodies via polyhedral geometry

21 oct. 2024, 14:45
05 30 05 (CMAP, École Polytechnique)

05 30 05

CMAP, École Polytechnique

Salle de conférence CMAP, 2nd floor, 5th corridor


Omid Amini (CMLS, École Polytechnique)


We develop a polyhedral geometry framework for dealing with higher rank valuations on function fields of algebraic varieties. As application, we explain the wall-crossing behavior of Newton-Okounkov bodies. Morever, using the set-up, we define combinatorial valuations on tropical varieties, and construct combinatorial Newton-Okounkov bodies. Based on joint work with Hernan Iriarte.

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