Séminaire EDP-Analyse ICJ

Fluctuations of delta-moments for Schrödinger and Helmholtz Equations.

par Luis VEGA ((BCAM - Bilbao))

Fokko (ICJ)




I will present recent work done with J. Canto, S. Kumar, F. Ponce-Vanegas, L. Roncal and N. Schiavone.  In the first part of the talk we study the process of dispersion of low-regularity solutions to the free Schrödinger equation using fractional weights.  We give another proof of the uncertainty principle for fractional weights and use it to get a lower bound for the concentration of mass. We consider also the evolution when the initial datum is the Dirac comb in the real line.  In this case we find fluctuations that concentrate at rational times and that resemble a realization of a Lévy process.  Furthermore, the evolution exhibits intermittency and multifractality. In the second part we will show how these results can be extended to solutions of the Helmholtz equation.