Séminaire de Probabilités

Asymptotic spectrum of heavy-tailed random feature matrices

par Vanessa Piccolo

Amphi Schwartz

Amphi Schwartz


In recent years, machine learning has motivated the study of "nonlinear random matrices”, that is, random matrices that involve the entry-wise application of some deterministic nonlinear functions. A prominent example is the matrix YY* with Y = f(WX), where W and X are random rectangular matrices with i.i.d. centered entries representing weights and data in neural networks, and f is a nonlinear activation function. This matrix, often referred to as “random feature matrix” or “conjugate kernel” in the literature, has been extensively studied in the case where W and X have light-tailed distributions. In such cases, the limiting spectral distribution of YY* corresponds to the asymptotic empirical spectral distribution of an information-plus-noise type matrix (Pennington-Worah 2017, Benigni-Péché 2021). In this talk, we focus on the case where W has heavy-tailed variables while X remains light-tailed. This setting is motivated by empirical studies on well-trained neural networks, which reveal the emergence of strong correlations in weights, and heavy-tailed distributions offer a realistic framework for modeling these correlations. The resulting entries of Y present significantly stronger correlations than in the light-tailed case, making the spectral analysis completely new. This talk is based on ongoing work with Alice Guionnet.