This conference will focus on the dynamics of germs tangent to the identity in several complex variables and their connections in dimension 2 with geometry of affine surfaces along with dynamical systems naturally attached to them.
There will be two basic courses in the morning:
- Charles Fougeron: affine surfaces
- Xavier Buff: local dynamics of biholomorphisms
There will be seminar talks in the evening about dynamics and about affine surfaces:
- Matthieu Astorg
- Fabrizio Bianchi
- Corentin Boissy
- Arnaud Cheritat
- Vincent Delecroix
- Helena Reis
- Javier Ribon
- Matteo Ruggiero
- Fernando Sanz Sanchez
- Liz Vivas
Practical information:
Please note that room and board for supported participants will be taken care directly by the organization. The organization will also cover the expenses for lunches (from Tuesday to Friday) and for the social dinner for all participants. Non-supported participants are expected to arrange for their own travels and accommodations in Toulouse.