Local dynamics of reduced saddle-node biholomorphisms
12 févr. 2025, 11:20
Amphithéatre Schwartz (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)
Amphithéatre Schwartz
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Université Paul Sabatier
118, route de Narbonne - Bat. 1R3
31062 Toulouse Cedex 9
Liz Vivas
We study the dynamics on a full neighborhood of the origin for a biholomorphism in that is of the reduced saddle-node type. For these type of diffeomorphisms we will show that there exist connected domains with the origin in their boundary which are either stable for or for its inverse, and that outside these domains every point is either fixed or has a finite orbit. This is a work in progress in collaboration with Lorena Lopez-Hernanz and Rudy Rosas.