This third session of Round Meanfield will be devoted to a large scope of new phenomenologies arising in the field of collective motion for systems of large number of different kinds of "objects".
In the spirit of the "Séminaire BOURBAKI" these recent results will be presented by a flourishing bunch of young researchers in a session involving very large periods of discussion.
Among the subject studied by our great young team will be, in disorder, those associated to the keywords: pedestrians's sensor-based motions, rating, p-alignment flocking, anticipation, the 3Zone model, communication kernels, swarming.... and much more.
Organization committee: Roberto Natalini , Thierry Paul, and Emmanuel Trélat
Speakers (and scientific committee)
Borjan Geshkovski (LJLL/INRIA, Paris), on "Flocking, p-alignment, and a touch of anticipation"
Pierre Le Bris (IHES, Paris), on "Swarming"
Marta Menci (Campus-Biomedico di Roma), on "Communication kernels — where do they come from?"
Stefano Rossi (UZH, Zurich), on "Mathematics of Rating Systems"
Tommaso Tenna (Université Côte d'Azur, Nice), on "Large Crowd Dynamics"
IMPORTANT WARNING: due to a limited number of seats in the aula, the registration is mandatory (but free).
This workshop is supported by the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M.Picone" - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, and by the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions - Sorbonne Université.